
Discipleship is at the core of Jesus’ mandate to His church which is a continual work of God’s people investing in the lives of others. All aspects of ministry are involved in the making disciples - preaching, teaching, corporate worship, giving to the Lord and ministering to others.

However, one aspect of discipleship that can be frequently missing is the relationship building, one-on-one ministry that happens in small groups or even believer to believer. Our discipleship ministries seek to enhance this relational aspect of discipling others. In 2 Timothy 3:16 this area of discipleship might be identified as “training in righteousness.”

Another core aspect is seen in Colossians 1:28, “We proclaim [Jesus], admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.” It’s that aspect of “admonishing every man.” That involves encouraging, lovingly correcting, practically instructing and biblically counseling one another. Our discipleship ministries are aimed to enhance this part of Jesus’ Great Commission.

  • Children's Ministries

    Montana KIDS goes from birth to the completion of the sixth grade (approximately 12 years of age). Apart from our children’s worship and teaching ministries (Sunday School), the aim of our discipling children’s ministries is to help parents by reinforcing the truths of God’s Word and their application to everyday life in a fun and upbeat environment.

  • Youth Group

    The Torch Bearers aims to come alongside parents in discipling their high school and junior high aged young people. The leaders strive to build safe relationships where the truths of God’s Word are taught and reinforced through regular Bible study, ministry opportunities and fun events.

  • College & Career

    The aim of our college and career age discipleship ministry, The Avenue, is to help young adults to navigate through the many hard choices that they face while growing in an understanding of the sufficiency of the Bible. Through The Avenue, life-long friendships are made as we grow in our understanding of the Bible, and we learn how to more effectively communicate our faith and its rich doctrines.

  • Men's Ministry

    MANTANA strives to focus on being biblical men who are leaders in the church and in our homes and men who are adequately equipped for every good work through the study of God’s Word. As men, we want to serve our church body through our gifts and abilities and through our example of godliness to all who are a part of the family of MABC.

  • Women's Ministry

    Ladies in Faith Together (LIFT) meets regularly for Bible studies, social events, fun and encouragement in order to encourage discipling relationships with other women within the church. As ladies of faith, our goal is to be godly and biblical women within our church and our homes, and to disciple younger women in the faith to do the same.

  • Senior's Ministry

    Life After Fifty-Five (LAFF) can often be found on Wednesday mornings at MABC, studying God’s Word and diligently in prayer for the church. We regularly have Saturday luncheons full of laughter and fellowship.